Keith Watson
Information Security Engineer Lead, Georgia Institute of Technology GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)
About this speaker
At Georgia Tech for 30 years currently the Information Security Manager for the Georgia Tech College of Computing.
GIAC certified security incident handler (GCIH).
Submarine qualified Navy electronics technician, specialized in cryptography and signals intelligence.
Sponsor for Grey H@T (the College of Computing information security student organization), and the Mad H@TTERS (cyber capture the flag team).
Host of DEF CON group DC404 (https://dc404.org).
Member of the Atlanta 2600 chapter atl2600 (https://atl2600.org).
Member of Electronic Frontiers Georgia (EFGA) (https://www.ef-georgia.org/), provide technical analysis of State of Georgia legislation.
Co-developer of the Network King of the Hill (NetKotH) (CTF https://netkoth.org/)
Host monthly cyber CTFs at the dc404 and atl2600 meetings.
Work with local hacker/maker spaces to promote information security and STEM initiatives.
Speaker at multiple conferences on information security, online privacy and rights.